What is Professional/Clinical Supervision?
Have you ever had a situation at work where there has been no one to really talk to about it?
Who supports you with your decision-making in your working environment?
Professional/Clinical Supervision occurs when two professionals form a contractually agreed supervisory relationship to discuss, reflect and promote a “Super-Vision” of the supervisee's practice.
The trained supervisor and the supervisee may not necessarily be of the same profession, however, they can mutually be aware of the similar discussion points that can arise in supervision, for example, quality of service, improving practice, meeting professional and legal guidelines, maintaining competencies and complex client presentations. In all areas, managing stress and promoting well-being are a priority beyond measure.
Lawyers, teachers, managers, nurses, and social workers are some of the professionals I support currently with professional supervision. Interestingly, the trials and tribulations at times are not too dissimilar for those in these careers.
Nurses do not just tend the wounds but also tend the soul.
Social workers do not just tend to the weakness but also the strengths.
Lawyers look at not just the wrongs but also the rights.
Professional Supervision tends to be about work situations, for example, team dynamics, organisational structures, policy and procedures, professional development, career development, and how these affect client care and outcomes.
Clinical supervision is more about clients with complex presentations, either clinically, medically, legally, emotionally, psychologically, or behaviourally and discussions are around meeting their needs, empowerment, and best outcomes.
Where appropriate the client is kept at the centre of what we are trying to achieve in both professional and clinical supervision.
As a supervisor, I have a strong commitment to the professional development and learning of my supervisees, ensuring that accountability, confidentiality, and professionalism are to the fore.